Thursday, October 9, 2008

How to raise your Credit score.

Thinking about buying that first home? Check your credit score. There are 5 categories that can effect your credit score.

Here are some tips to help raise that score.

  1. Pay your bills on time. 35% of your score is dependent on your payment history. Make a plan-set up auto pay and maintain a budget.

  2. Keep credit balances at 30 % of your credit limit, or lower.

  3. Don't cancel credit cards to up your score. about 15% of your score is based on long you held your card. A card you have had a few years is better than a new one. Be sure to have a credit card, as no credit history can also throw off a score.

  4. Don't apply for too many credit cards. about 10% of your score is determined by how many times lenders request your credit report. Don't apply for too many cards.

  5. Watch the kind of credit you use. about 10% of your score is based on the types of credit you are using. Secured (car loans and mortgages) or unsecured (student loans, credit cards) Unsecured loans are considered riskier on your report.

information from USAA Magazine

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